Opening Hours : Monday to Saturday ( 9.30 am to 6.00 pm )


As an ISO 17025 / NABL accredited laboratory, we test various parameters under Chemical and Biological disciplines in Air, Water, Sewage, Effluent & Soil. We also do field monitoring for Noise & Ground Vibration. We deliver wide range of services from Sampling to Testing across all sectors under Environment. We test physical, chemical ( Organic & Inorganic ) and microbiological parameters for below matrices / products.

Environment Sampling and Testing

GLCS performs microbiological analysis of Water, Treated Sewage, Treated Effluent and Sludge to determine Total Coliform, Faecal Coliform, etc. We also perform swab analysis to determine surface contamination.

Environment Clearance (EC) Compliance Monitoring

All sampling / monitoring and testing is carried out as MoEF&CC / CPCB / USEPA guidelines. We also test specific parameters in Environment as per the request of our clients.

We also guide the clients in EC Compliance Report preparation towards submission to MoEF&CC ( Ministry of Environment, Forest & Climate Change ) and State Pollution Control Boards (SPCBs).

GLCS performs Environmental Monitoring of Water, Treated Sewage, Treated Effluent, Ambient Air Quality (AAQ), Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) / Work Zone Quality, Stack, Soil, Noise and Ground Vibrationni as per Environment Clearance (EC) / Consent to Operate (CTO) conditions. .

Sector specific monitoring works

For mines & quarries, we do testing of Respirable Particulate Matter (RPM) & Silica and Ground Vibration Monitoring during blasting as per DGMS ( Directorate General of Mines Safety ), Government of India guidelines.

For manufacturing sites & factories, we perform work zone monitoring ( Particulate Matter, VOCs, Illumination level & CO level ) as per USEPA & NIOSH guidelines and DISH ( Directorate of Industrial Health & Safety ) guidelines.
